Initially released in 2001, Mupen64Plus has been through a few different identity changes overtime. Originally, the emulator was released as Mupen64-AMD64. Its name was then changed to Mupen64-64Bit before getting its latest name. All in all, the program can emulate Nintendo 64 applications and it is available as an open source free software. It is a cross platform emulator – definitely a plus from other alternatives for Nintendo 64. The emulator was written in C and C++.
Mupen64Plus allows gamers to enjoy vintage applications by checking ROM images. They are not included, so you would have to get them yourself. You can dump them from a Nintendo 64 cartridge or create them on the computer. It is important to know that Mupen64Plus runs on more operating systems, such as Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, AROS and Mac OS X. It has been recently updated for Android devices too and the project is still being maintained.