Pretendo NDS

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Download Pretendo Emulator

Download Pretendo NDS for Android

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What is Pretendo emulator?

Pretendo NDS emulator allows its users to play Nintendo DS games on Android phones. Pretendo lets you load ROMs in .rom and in .ds format, and it even allows the direct importation of compressed formats such as .rar and .zip. One downside to this emulator is its lack of default games. You will have to find games externally, then manually import them, adding extra time and effort before you can start gaming. The control system in Pretendo NDS Emulator is simple but elegant, it has virtual controls that are identical to the Nintendo DS, and you can use your finger in place of a stylus on the lower part of the screen.

Pretendo has autosave option so you don’t need to worry about manually saving, and you can also deactivate sounds and graphics to gain extra performance or to play privately without disturbing others. The #1 complaint gamers have about Pretendo is the excessive amount of advertisements it shows, which can interrupt gameplay and be a distraction. Users complain of having to suffer through 30 second advertisements which will annoy even the most patient gamer. Pretendo can be displayed in either landscape or portrait mode, and even though there are many other emulators with more features, Pretendo still has a loyal following of gamers due to its reliability.