Programmed in C, Yabause is one of the most famous Sega Saturn emulators on the market. Bring back Nights into Dreams, Panzen Dragoon Saga, Virtua Fighter 2 and Guardian Heroes, among many other games. The emulator is compatible with numerous operating systems – Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, OpenBSD and Linux. It also works with Sega Dreamcast and PlayStation Portable. Initially released in 2003, the emulator was available for Linux only. The latest version came out in 2016, so it is hard to tell whether or not the project has been abandoned – especially as the last version brought in and fixed anything you could think of.
Yabause is excellent at loading ISO images or games from virtual drives and CDs. It has cheat codes and debugging functionality. Save states have not been implemented, but some believe they will go in a further version – possibly for Android mobile devices.